MyCRM is a desktop application for managing client contacts, repair job statuses, and product information that has been optimised for use via a Command Line Interface (CLI) while maintaining the benefits of a Graphical User Interface (GUI). If you type quickly, MyCRM can complete customer relationship management tasks faster than traditional GUI applications.

Target Audience: Tech savvy computer repair shop technician. Owns a business repairing computers and laptops, actively servicing multiple clients and answering their queries. Services a wide range of models and deals with both hardware and software issues. Also has multiple repair-phases which have to be updated to clients.

Quick start

  1. Ensure you have Java 11 or above installed in your Computer.

  2. Download the latest MyCRM.jar from here.

  3. Copy the file to the folder you want to use as the home folder for your AddressBook.

  4. Double-click the file to start the app. The GUI similar to the below should appear in a few seconds. Note how the app contains some sample data.

  5. Type the command in the command box and press Enter to execute it.
    Some example commands you can try:

    • listContact : Lists all contacts.

    • addContact n/John Doe c/98765432 e/ a/John street, block 123, #01-01 : Adds a contact named John Doe to the CRM.

    • deleteContact 1 : Deletes the 1st contact shown in the current list.

    • clear : Deletes all contacts, jobs and products in MyCRM.

    • exit : Exits the app.

  6. Refer to the Features below for details of each command.


:information_source: Notes about the command format:

  • Words in UPPER_CASE are the parameters to be supplied by the user.
    e.g. in add n/NAME, NAME is a parameter which can be used as add n/John Doe.

  • Items in square brackets are optional.
    e.g n/NAME [t/TAG] can be used as n/John Doe t/friend or as n/John Doe.

  • Items with ​ after them can be used multiple times including zero times.
    e.g. [t/TAG]…​ can be used as   (i.e. 0 times), t/friend, t/friend t/family etc.

  • Parameters can be in any order.
    e.g. if the command specifies n/NAME c/PHONE_NUMBER, c/PHONE_NUMBER n/NAME is also acceptable.

  • If a parameter is expected only once in the command but you specified it multiple times, only the last occurrence of the parameter will be taken.
    e.g. if you specify c/12341234 c/56785678, only c/56785678 will be taken.

  • Extraneous parameters for commands that do not take in parameters (such as listJob, listProduct, and exit ) will be ignored.
    e.g. if the command specifies listJob 123, it will be interpreted as listJob.

Adding a job: addJob

Adds a new repair job to the CRM.

Format: addJob d/DESCRIPTION by/EXPECTED_COMPLETION_DATE fee/FEE [recv/RECIEVED_DATE] [c/CONTACT_INDEX] [p/PRODUCT_INDEX] Format of special subcommands: select INDEX and abort (details on subcommand usage below)

  • Creates a new repair job.
  • Links the contact and product that correspond to CONTACT_INDEX and PRODUCT_INDEX (in the respective contact and product list) to the job.
  • EXPECTED_COMPLETION_DATE refers to the date by which the repair expected to be completed.
  • FEE refers to the repair fee charged to the client.
  • RECIEVED_DATE refers to the date the repair job request was received from the client. If not provided, it is by default, set to the date the job is created in MyCRM.
  • Both product and contact are compulsory attributes of job. If they are not provided in the form of an index in the above command, the job is not immediately added.
    • Instead, in such a case, the user will be asked for info on the missing contact or product (or both).
    • User can choose to create a new contact/product and immediately assign it to the job currently being created via the addContact and addProduct commands.
    • Or the user can issue a command select INDEX to select an item from its displayed list.
    • While the user is being asked for a contact/product only selected commands will be allowed (namely the list, find and add commands for either product or contact).
    • The user can choose to stop this operation and not add any new job by issuing a abort command.
    • Note: The user is asked for the contact and product one after the other. i.e If asked for the contact first user cannot select or create a product instead.
    • Note: If the operation is stopped via the abort command, the job will not be added but any new products/contacts created through the addContact and addProduct commands will still be added.


  • To add a job with a pre-existing contact and product
  • Either the command addJob d/Change CPU fee/$50 by/10/11/2021 c/1 p/1 can be issued OR
  • The following sequence of commands can be issued:
    • addJob d/Change CPU fee/$50 by/10/11/2021
    • select 1 (to select contact)
    • select 1 (to select product)

  • To add a job with a new contact and product
  • Issue the following sequence of commands:
    • addJob d/Change CPU fee/$50 by/10/11/2021
    • addContact n/Jack Ryan c/94678954 a/Blk 65 Tampines Ave 1 e/
    • addProduct n/Asus DUAL-GTX1060-O6G t/GPU m/Asus d/DisplayPort, HDMI

Editing a job: editJob

Edits an existing repair job to the CRM.

Format: editJob INDEX [d/DESCRIPTION] [by/EXPECTED_COMPLETION_DATE] [fee/FEE] [recv/RECIEVED_DATE] [c/CONTACT_INDEX] [p/PRODUCT_INDEX] Format of special subcommands: select INDEX and abort (details on subcommand usage below)

  • Edits the repair job at the specified INDEX
  • INDEX refers to the index of the repair job as shown in the repair job listing
  • INDEX must be a positive integer(1,2,3…)
  • It is possible to not indicate the CONTACT_INDEX or PRODUCT_INDEX. i.e A command like editJob INDEX c/ p/ is valid.
    • In such a case the user will be asked for info which product or contact (or both) they now want to assign to the job.
    • User can choose to create new contact/product and immediately assign it via the addContact and addProduct commands.
    • Or the user can issue a command select INDEX to select an item from the displayed list.
    • While the user is being asked for a contact/product only selected commands will be allowed (namely the list, find and add commands for either product or contact).
    • The user can choose to stop this operation and not edit the job by issuing a abort command.
    • Note: The user is asked for the contact and product one after the other. i.e If asked for the contact first user cannot select or create a product instead.
    • Note: If the operation is stopped via the abort command, the job will not be edited at all. However, any new products/contacts created through the addContact and addProduct commands will still be added.


  • To edit a job and reassign to it other pre-existing contact and product
  • Either the command editJob 1 c/1 p/2 can be issued OR
  • The following sequence of commands can be issued:
    • editJob 1 c/ p/
    • select 1 (to select contact)
    • select 2 (to select product)

  • To add a job with new a contact and product
  • Issue the following sequence of commands:
    • editJob 1 c/ p/
    • addContact n/James Bond c/94678007 a/Blk 61 Yishun Ave 1 e/
    • addProduct n/SAMSUNG 980 PRO 1TB SSD t/Hard disk m/SAMSUNG d/SATA

Listing all jobs: listJob

Shows a list of all in-progress repair jobs in the CRM.

Format: listJob [-a] [-c]

  • To show a list of all jobs, regardless of completion status the command listJob -a can be issued
  • To show a list of all completed jobs the command listJob -c can be issued


  • listJob

  • listJob -c

  • listJob -a

Find Job: findJob

Find jobs whose description, contact or product contain certain keywords.

Format: findJob [MORE_KEYWORDS]...

  • The search is case-insensitive. e.g. intel will match Intel.
  • Only full words will be matched. e.g. Inte will not match Intel.
  • Jobs matching at least one keyword will be returned.


  • findJob charlotte intel

Marking job as complete: completeJob

Marks a repair job as complete

Format: completeJob INDEX [COMPLETION_DATE]

  • Marks the repair job at the specified INDEX as complete
  • By default listJob only shows jobs that are yet to be completed. As such marking the job as complete will cause it to disappear from the current job list. User can issue the command listJob -c to view the list of completed jobs.
  • INDEX refers to the index of the repair job as shown in the repair job listing
  • INDEX must be a positive integer(1,2,3…)
  • COMPLETION_DATE is set to the current date if it is not provided


  • Given one in-progress job

  • completeJob 1 - causes the job to disappear from the current job list

  • If listJob -c is called, it can be seen that the job was successfully completed

Revert the completion status of a previously complete job: undoCompleteJob

Reverts the status of a previously completed job back to in-progress.

Format: undoCompleteJob INDEX

  • Marks the repair job at the specified INDEX as complete
  • User should call listJob -c to view all completed jobs before calling this command
  • INDEX must refer to a completed job. It will not work on a currently in-progress job
  • INDEX refers to the index of the repair job as shown in the repair job listing
  • INDEX must be a positive integer(1,2,3…)


  • Given one completed job

  • If undoCompleteJob 1 is called, it can be seen that the job’s status was reverted to in-progress

Deleting a job: deleteJob

Delete the specified repair job from the CRM

Format: deleteJob INDEX

  • Deletes the repair job at the specified INDEX
  • INDEX refers to the index of the repair job as shown in the repair job listing
  • INDEX must be a positive integer(1,2,3…)

Adding a contact: addContact

Add a new contact info of a client into the CRM.

Format: addContact n/CLIENT_NAME [c/CONTACT_NUMBER] [e/EMAIL] [a/ADDRESS] [t/tags]

  • Creates a new contact info of a client.
  • At least one field of c/CONTACT_NUMBER e/EMAIL a/ADDRESSshould exist even though they are considered optional fields.

    i.e. addContact n/CLIENT_NAME is not allowed.

    addContact n/CLIENT_NAME e/EMAIL, addContact n/CLIENT_NAME c/CONTACT_NUMBER commands like these are valid.


  • addContact n/Frisk c/93487234 e/ a/Laptop Factory Outlet Bugis Junction
  • addContact n/Sans c/83921823 e/ a/Maxwell Chambers 32 Maxwell Rd

Deleting a contact: deleteContact

Deletes the specified contact from the CRM

Format: deleteContact INDEX

  • Deletes the contact at the specified INDEX
  • INDEX refers to the index of the contact as shown in the contact listing
  • INDEX must be a positive integer(1,2,3…)
  • If this contact is link to a job, it can not be deleted unless the linked job is deleted.


deleteContact 3

Editing a contact: editContact

Edits the specified contact from the CRM

Format: editContact INDEX [n/NAME] [c/PHONE] [e/EMAIL] [a/ADDRESS]

  • At least one field of name, phone, email or address has to provide in order to change a contact’s info.
  • After invoking editContact ... command, the job linked to this contact will also update.


editContact 1 a/Jurong West Street 42

Finding a contact: findContact

Find certain contact with keyword specified.

Format: findContact [MORE_KEYWORDS]...

  • User must provide at least one keyword of a contact.


findContact Frisk Sans

Hiding a contact: hideContact

Hide certain contact with INDEX specified.

Format: hideContact INDEX

  • hideContact will add a tag hidden to those being hidden.
  • Cannot invoke hideContact again to those being hidden.
  • Contacts hidden does not display in MyCRM unless listContact -a is invoked.
  • So far hiding a specific contact will not affect job card.


hideContact 1

Undoing hiding a contact: undoHideContact

Undo a previous hideContact command to certain contact with INDEX specified.

Format: undoHideContact INDEX

  • listContact -a must be called in order to see hidden contacts.
  • undoHideContact will delete hidden tag to the hidden contact.
  • Cannot invoke undoHideContact to visible contacts.


undoHideContact 1

Listing all contacts: listContact

Show a list of all contact info in the CRM.

Format: listContact or listContact -a

  • Normally, listContact will only list contacts not being hidden.
  • If listContact -a is invoked, all contacts including hidden ones will be listed.


  • listContact

  • listContact -a

Adding a product: addProduct

Adds a new product to the CRM.

Format: addProduct n/NAME [t/TYPE] [m/MANUFACTURER] [d/DESCRIPTION]

  • NAME is a compulsory field. It must be non-empty.


  • addProduct n/Asus DUAL-GTX1060-O6G t/GPU m/Asus
  • addProduct n/Intel i5-10400F t/CPU m/Intel d/2.90GHz

Listing all products: listProduct

Shows a list of all products in the CRM.

Format: listProduct

Deleting a product: deleteProduct

Deletes the specified product from the CRM.

Format: deleteProduct INDEX

  • Deletes the product at the specified INDEX.
  • INDEX refers to the index of the product as shown in the product listing.
  • INDEX must be a positive integer(1,2,3…).
  • A product cannot be deleted if it is linked to one or more jobs.

Editing a product: editProduct

Edits an existing product in the CRM.

Format: editProduct INDEX [n/NAME] [t/TYPE] [m/MANUFACTURER] [d/DESCRIPTION]

  • Edits the product at the specified INDEX.
  • The index refers to the index number shown in the displayed product list.
  • INDEX must be a positive integer(1,2,3…).
  • At least one of the optional fields must be provided.
  • No change is made if a field is empty. e.g. editProduct 1 m/Asus t/ will not change the product’s Type field.
  • Changes in product fields will be updated in job list automatically.


  • editProduct 3 d/Video output interface: DisplayPort, HDMI edits the description of the 3rd product to be Video output interface: DisplayPort, HDMI.

Locating products by name: findProduct

Finds products whose names contain certain keywords.

Format: findProduct [MORE_KEYWORDS]...

  • The search is case-insensitive. e.g. asus will match Asus.
  • Only full words will be matched. e.g. Asu will not match Asus.
  • Products matching at least one keyword will be returned.


  • findProduct asus

Send mail: mail

Constructs an email to send to a customer of a specified job. This command also generates a mailto: hyperlink to mail the email to a customer of a specified job.


  • Constructs a new email with template content and contact details of the job at the specified JOB_INDEX and TEMPLATE_INDEX.
  • JOB_INDEX refers to the index of the job shown in the repair job listing.
  • JOB_INDEX must be a positive integer (1,2,3…).
  • TEMPLATE_INDEX refers to the index of the template as shown in the template listing.
  • TEMPLATE_INDEX must be a positive integer (1,2,3…).
  • Job selected must have an email address, non-empty.


  • listJob and listTemplate followed by mail j/1 t/1 constructs an email to the 2nd job’s customer with the 2nd email template and mailto: hyperlink.

Adding mail template: addTemplate

Adds a new email template into the CRM.

Format: addTemplate s/SUBJECT b/BODY

  • SUBJECT and BODY field must be non-empty.
  • SUBJECT only accepts alphanumeric values and spaces in between.
    • i.e. Special characters are not allowed.
    • Such as s/He@der 3! are not allowed.
  • BODY accepts any string value (alphanumeric and special characters).
  • BODY processes special string \n as newline for constructing email.
    • This is only displayed on mail command


  • addTemplate s/Issue Has Occurred b/Attention:\nYour product has encountered an issue adds a new Template with subject “Issue Has Occurred” and body “Attention:\nYour product has encountered an issue”.
  • addTemplate s/Your order is confirmed b/Your order is confirmed! Thank you for ordering from XXX adds a new Template with subject “our order is confirmed” and body “Your order is confirmed! Thank you for ordering from XXX”.

Listing all templates: listTemplate

Shows a list of all templates in the CRM.

Format: listTemplate

Editing mail template: editTemplate

Edits the specified template from the CRM.

Format: editTemplate INDEX [s/SUBJECT] [b/BODY]

  • At least one optional edit field must be provided
  • SUBJECT only accepts alphanumeric values and spaces in between.
  • BODY accepts any string value (alphanumeric and special characters).

Edits the template at the specified INDEX

  • INDEX refers to the index of the template as shown in the template listing
  • INDEX must be a positive integer(1,2,3…).


  • listTemplate followed by editTemplate 4 b/We’re excited for you to receive your order edits the 4th email template in the CRM, overriding the 4th email template’s body with the new input.

Finding mail template: findTemplate

Find certain template(s) with keyword specified.

Format: findTemplate [MORE_KEYWORDS]...

  • User must provide at least one keyword of a template.
  • MORE_KEYWORDS searches for Subject title
  • MORE_KEYWORDS are case-insensitive
  • MORE_KEYWORDS searched are whole words


  • findTemplate Order

Deleting mail template: deleteTemplate

Deletes the specified template from the CRM.

Format: deleteTemplate INDEX

Deletes the template at the specified INDEX

  • INDEX refers to the index of the template as shown in the template listing.
  • INDEX must be a positive integer(1,2,3…).


  • listTemplate followed by deleteTemplate 4 deletes the 4th email template in the CRM.

Retrieve previous command: history

Retrieves the previously entered command

Format: Press “Up arrow key” / history

  • ‘Press Up arrow key’ on the keyboard to gain the most recent command in the CRM.
  • history will list all history commands in the CRM


  • history(Assume that listJob and listContact have been entered before running history):

Clear history command data: clearHistory

Clears all historical data of user input

Format: clearHistory

Viewing user guide: help

Shows a message explaining how to access the help page and a hyperlink to it.

Format: help

Exiting the program : exit

Ends MyCRM and exits the programme.

Format: exit

Clearing data: clear

Clears current data in the CRM. Empties CRM data.

Format: clear

Changing the theme of user interface theme

Changes the theme of user interface.

Format: theme THEME_NAME

  • There are 2 available Ui themes of the CRM. Their names are dark and light.
  • THEME_NAME is case-insensitive.

Example: theme light

Printing monthly report printReport

Prints a report of all jobs within current month.

Format: printReport [-i] [-p]

  • To show a report window with monthly in-progress jobs list, the command printReport -i can be issued
  • To show a report window with monthly top-three products list, the command printReport -p can be issued
  • MyCRM will show a report window with monthly completed job list by default

Export monthly report

Exports a report of all jobs within current month to printer.

Format: Click on “Print” / exportReport

(for Windows OS)

(for Mac OS)


Q: How do I transfer my data to another Computer?
A: Install the app in the other computer and overwrite the empty data file it creates with the file that contains the data of your previous MyCRM home folder.

Command summary

Action Format, Examples
e.g.,addJob d/CPU replacement needed c/1 p/1 by/15/09/2021 fee/30.00
e.g., editJob 1 fee/50.00 c/2 p/3
List Job listJob
Find Job findJob [MORE_KEYWORDS]...
e.g., findJob charlotte intel
Complete Job completeJob INDEX [COMPLETION_DATE]
e.g., completeJob 1
Undo Complete Job undoCompleteJob INDEX
e.g., undoCompleteJob 1
Delete Job deleteJob INDEX
e.g., deleteJob 2
Select select INDEX
e.g.,select 1
Abort abort
Add Contact addContact n/CLIENT_NAME [c/CONTACT_NUMBER] [e/EMAIL] [a/ADDRESS] [t/tag]
e.g., addContact n/Frisk c/93487234 e/ a/Laptop Factory Outlet Bugis Junction
Edit Contact editContact INDEX [n/NAME] [c/PHONE] [e/EMAIL] [a/ADDRESS]
e.g., EditContact 1 n/Dante
List Contact listContact listContact -a
Find Contact findContact [MORE_KEYWORDS]...
e.g., findContact Sans
Hide Contact hideContact INDEX
e.g., hideContact 1
Undo Hide Contact undoHideContact INDEX...
e.g., undoHideContact 1
Delete Contact deleteContact INDEX
e.g., deleteContact 4
Add Product addProduct n/NAME [t/TYPE] [m/MANUFACTURER] [d/DESCRIPTION]
e.g., addProduct n/Asus DUAL-GTX1060-O6G t/GPU m/Asus
List Product listProduct
Delete Product deleteProduct INDEX
e.g., deleteProduct 4
Edit Product editProduct INDEX [n/NAME] [t/TYPE] [m/MANUFACTURER] [d/DESCRIPTION]
e.g., editProduct 2 d/Video output interface: DisplayPort, HDMI
Find Product findProduct [MORE_KEYWORDS]...
e.g., findProduct asus
e.g., mail j/3 t/1
Add Template addTemplate s/SUBJECT b/BODY
e.g., addTemplate s/Repair In Progress b/Your product is current;y being repaired
List Templates listTemplate
Find Templates findTemplate [MORE_KEYWORDS]...
e.g., findTemplates complete
Edit Templates editTemplate INDEX [s/SUBJECT] [b/SUBJECT]
e.g., editTemplate 2 s/Your immediate attention
Delete Template deleteTemplate INDEX
e.g., deleteTemplate 4
Retrieve Previous Command history, “Press Up arrow key”
Exit exit
Change Theme theme THEME_NAME
e.g., theme light
Print Monthly Report printReport
Export Monthly Report exportReport